(function($) { 'use strict'; var _toBuild = []; MK.api = window.MK.api || {}; MK.component.AdvancedGMaps = function(el) { var $this = $(el), container = document.getElementById( 'mk-theme-container' ), data = $this.data( 'advancedgmaps-config' ), apikey = data.options.apikey ? ('key='+data.options.apikey+'&') : false, map = null, bounds = null, infoWindow = null, position = null; var build = function() { data.options.scrollwheel = false; data.options.mapTypeId = google.maps.MapTypeId[data.options.mapTypeId]; data.options.styles = data.style; bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); map = new google.maps.Map(el, data.options); infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); map.setOptions({ panControl : data.options.panControl, draggable: data.options.draggable, zoomControl: data.options.zoomControl, mapTypeControl: data.options.scaleControl, scaleControl: data.options.mapTypeControl, }); var marker, i; map.setTilt(45); for (i = 0; i < data.places.length; i++) { if(data.places[i].latitude && data.places[i].longitude) { position = new google.maps.LatLng(data.places[i].latitude, data.places[i].longitude); bounds.extend(position); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: position, map: map, title: data.places[i].address, icon: (data.places[i].marker) ? data.places[i].marker : data.icon }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) { return function() { if(data.places[i].address && data.places[i].address.length > 1) { infoWindow.setContent('

'+ data.places[i].address +'

'); infoWindow.open(map, marker); } else { infoWindow.setContent(''); infoWindow.close(); } }; })(marker, i)); /** * If there is only one marker, map.fitBounds will zoom-in too much. * Only run map.fitBounds if the markers are more than 1. Use setCenter * instead if the the marker is only 1. */ if ( i > 0 ) { map.fitBounds( bounds ); } else { // Set latitude and longtitude as float. var latLang = { lat: parseFloat( data.places[i].latitude ), lng: parseFloat( data.places[i].longitude ) }; map.setCenter( latLang ); // Need to setZoom here as we didn't trigger bounds_changed event. map.setZoom( data.options.zoom ); } } } var boundsListener = google.maps.event.addListener((map), 'bounds_changed', function(event) { this.setZoom(data.options.zoom); google.maps.event.removeListener(boundsListener); }); var update = function() { google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); map.setCenter(position); }; update(); var bindEvents = function() { $( window ).on( 'resize', update ); window.addResizeListener( container, update ); }; bindEvents(); }; var initAll = function() { for( var i = 0, l = _toBuild.length; i < l; i++ ) { _toBuild[i](); } }; MK.api.advancedgmaps = MK.api.advancedgmaps || function() { initAll(); }; return { init : function() { _toBuild.push( build ); MK.core.loadDependencies(['https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?'+apikey+'callback=MK.api.advancedgmaps']); } }; }; })(jQuery); (function($) { 'use strict'; function mk_animated_cols() { function equalheight (container){ var currentTallest = 0, currentRowStart = 0, rowDivs = new Array(), $el, topPosition = 0; $(container).each(function() { $el = $(this); $($el).height('auto'); topPosition = $el.position().top; if (currentRowStart != topPosition) { for (var currentDiv = 0 ; currentDiv < rowDivs.length ; currentDiv++) { rowDivs[currentDiv].height(currentTallest); } rowDivs.length = 0; // empty the array currentRowStart = topPosition; currentTallest = $el.height(); rowDivs.push($el); } else { rowDivs.push($el); currentTallest = (currentTallest < $el.height()) ? ($el.height()) : (currentTallest); } for (currentDiv = 0 ; currentDiv < rowDivs.length ; currentDiv++) { rowDivs[currentDiv].height(currentTallest); } }); // console.log('recalc' + container + ' ' + currentTallest); return currentTallest; } function prepareCols(el) { var $this = el.parent().parent().find('.mk-animated-columns'); var iconHeight = equalheight('.vc_row .animated-column-icon, .animated-column-holder .mk-svg-icon'), titleHeight = equalheight('.vc_row .animated-column-title'), descHeight = equalheight('.vc_row .animated-column-desc'), btnHeight = $this.find('.animated-column-btn').innerHeight(); if ($this.hasClass('full-style')) { $this.find('.animated-column-item').each(function() { var $this = $(this), contentHeight = (iconHeight + 30) + (titleHeight + 10) + (descHeight + 70) + 34; /* * Fix AM-2418. * * Column height setting of VC Animated Column doesn't work when Animated Column * content is higher than the setting. So, check column height setting first. * - If the column height setting < Animated Column height, update the column * height based on column height setting. */ var $columnHeight = contentHeight * 1.5 + 50; var $minHeight = parseInt( $this.css( 'min-height' ), 10 ); if ( ! isNaN( $minHeight ) ) { if ( $minHeight < $columnHeight ) { $columnHeight = $minHeight; } } $this.height( $columnHeight ); var $box_height = $this.outerHeight(true), $icon_height = $this.find('.animated-column-icon, .animated-column-holder .mk-svg-icon').height(); $this.find('.animated-column-holder').css({ 'paddingTop': $box_height / 2 - $icon_height }); $this.animate({opacity:1}, 300); }); } else { $this.find('.animated-column-item').each(function() { var $this = $(this), halfHeight = $this.height() / 2, halfIconHeight = $this.find('.animated-column-icon, .animated-column-holder .mk-svg-icon').height()/2, halfTitleHeight = $this.find('.animated-column-simple-title').height()/2; $this.find('.animated-column-holder').css({ 'paddingTop': halfHeight - halfIconHeight }); $this.find('.animated-column-title').css({ 'paddingTop': halfHeight - halfTitleHeight }); $this.animate({ opacity:1 }, 300); }); } } $('.mk-animated-columns').each(function() { var that = this; MK.core.loadDependencies([ MK.core.path.plugins + 'tweenmax.js' ], function() { var $this = $(that), $parent = $this.parent().parent(), $columns = $parent.find('.column_container'), index = $columns.index($this.parent()); // really bad that we cannot read it before bootstrap - needs full shortcode refactor if($this.hasClass('full-style')) { $this.find('.animated-column-item').hover( function() { TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-holder"), 0.5, { top: '-15%', ease: Back.easeOut }); TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-desc"), 0.5, { top: '50%', ease: Expo.easeOut }, 0.4); TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-btn"), 0.3, { top: '50%', ease: Expo.easeOut }, 0.6); }, function() { TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-holder"), 0.5, { top: '0%', ease: Back.easeOut, easeParams:[3] }); TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-desc"), 0.5, { top: '100%', ease: Back.easeOut }, 0.4); TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-btn"), 0.5, { top: '100%', ease: Back.easeOut }, 0.2); }); } if($this.hasClass('simple-style')) { $this.find('.animated-column-item').hover( function() { TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-holder"), 0.7, { top: '100%', ease: Expo.easeOut }); TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-title"), 0.7, { top: '0%', ease: Back.easeOut }, 0.2); }, function() { TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-holder"), 0.7, { top: '0%', ease: Expo.easeOut }); TweenLite.to($(this).find(".animated-column-title"), 0.7, { top: '-100%', ease: Back.easeOut }, 0.2); }); } if($columns.length === index + 1) { prepareCols($this); $(window).on("resize", function() { setTimeout(prepareCols($this), 1000); }); } MK.utils.eventManager.subscribe('iconsInsert', function() { prepareCols($this); }); }); }); } $(window).on('load vc_reload', mk_animated_cols); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; var core = MK.core, path = MK.core.path; MK.component.BannerBuilder = function( el ) { var init = function(){ var $this = $(el), data = $this.data( 'bannerbuilder-config' ); MK.core.loadDependencies([ MK.core.path.plugins + 'jquery.flexslider.js' ], function() { $this.flexslider({ selector: '.mk-banner-slides > .mk-banner-slide', animation: data.animation, smoothHeight: false, direction:'horizontal', slideshow: true, slideshowSpeed: data.slideshowSpeed, animationSpeed: data.animationSpeed, pauseOnHover: true, directionNav: data.directionNav, controlNav: false, initDelay: 2000, prevText: '', nextText: '', pauseText: '', playText: '' }); }); }; return { init : init }; }; })(jQuery); (function($) { 'use strict'; var zIndex = 0; $('.mk-newspaper-wrapper').on('click', '.blog-loop-comments', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(event.currentTarget); var $parent = $this.parents('.mk-blog-newspaper-item'); $parent.css('z-index', ++zIndex); $this.parents('.newspaper-item-footer').find('.newspaper-social-share').slideUp(200).end().find('.newspaper-comments-list').slideDown(200); setTimeout( function() { MK.utils.eventManager.publish('item-expanded'); }, 300); }); $('.mk-newspaper-wrapper').on('click', '.newspaper-item-share', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(event.currentTarget); var $parent = $this.parents('.mk-blog-newspaper-item'); $parent.css('z-index', ++zIndex); $this.parents('.newspaper-item-footer').find('.newspaper-comments-list').slideUp(200).end().find('.newspaper-social-share').slideDown(200); setTimeout( function() { MK.utils.eventManager.publish('item-expanded'); }, 300); }); var init = function init() { // setTimeout Trick to make the VC Front Editor to load the images as well setTimeout( function() { // Get All Related Layers var $blog = $('.mk-blog-container'); var $imgs = $blog.find('img[data-mk-image-src-set]'); if ( $blog.hasClass('mk-blog-container-lazyload') && $imgs.length ) { // Load Images if the user scrolls to them $(window).on('scroll.mk_blog_lazyload', MK.utils.throttle(500, function(){ $imgs.each(function(index, elem) { if ( MK.utils.isElementInViewport(elem) ) { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init( $(elem) ); $imgs = $imgs.not( $(elem) ); // Remove element from the list when loaded to reduce the amount of iteration in each() } }); })); $(window).trigger('scroll.mk_blog_lazyload'); $(window).trigger('resize') // Handle the resize MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } else { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init($imgs); MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } }, 50); // If in VC Editor Page, Trigger Resize after 2 second (AM-2490) // This is to fix the Pagination Overlapping issue on first initial blog insert as it takes VC about 1 second to change the Blog Layout on initial stage if ( $('body').hasClass('vc_editor') ) { setTimeout( function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }, 2000) } } init(); // VC Front-End Editor $(window).on('vc_reload mk-image-loaded', init); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; var core = MK.core, path = MK.core.path; // TODO: Repair after Rifat. He repeated The same code twice - other same code is in photoalbum (why by the way?!). // Split it into two separate components when you see reusage MK.component.Category = function( el ) { var init = function(){ core.loadDependencies([ path.plugins + 'pixastic.js' ], function() { blurImage($('.blur-image-effect .mk-loop-item .item-holder ')); }); core.loadDependencies([ path.plugins + 'minigrid.js' ], masonry); }; var blurImage = function($item) { return $item.each(function() { var $_this = $(this); var img = $_this.find('.item-thumbnail'); img.clone().addClass("blur-effect item-blur-thumbnail").removeClass('item-thumbnail').prependTo(this); var blur_this = $(".blur-effect", this); blur_this.each(function(index, element){ if (img[index].complete === true) { Pixastic.process(blur_this[index], "blurfast", {amount:0.5}); } else { blur_this.load(function () { Pixastic.process(blur_this[index], "blurfast", {amount:0.5}); }); } }); }); }; // TODO: find other shortcodes like this design and make it as a component var masonry = function() { if(!$('.js-masonry').length) return; function grid() { minigrid({ container: '.js-masonry', item: '.js-masonry-item', gutter: 0 }); } grid(); $(window).on('resize', grid); }; return { init : init }; }; })(jQuery); (function($) { 'use strict'; var core = MK.core, path = core.path; MK.component.Chart = function(el) { var init = function() { MK.core.loadDependencies([MK.core.path.plugins + 'jquery.easyPieChart.js'], function() { $('.mk-chart__chart').each(function() { var $this = $(this), $parent_width = $(this).parent().width(), $chart_size = parseInt($this.attr('data-barSize')); if ($parent_width < $chart_size) { $chart_size = $parent_width; $this.css('line-height', $chart_size); $this.find('i').css({ 'line-height': $chart_size + 'px' }); $this.css({ 'line-height': $chart_size + 'px' }); } var build = function() { $this.easyPieChart({ animate: 1300, lineCap: 'butt', lineWidth: $this.attr('data-lineWidth'), size: $chart_size, barColor: $this.attr('data-barColor'), trackColor: $this.attr('data-trackColor'), scaleColor: 'transparent', onStep: function(value) { this.$el.find('.chart-percent span').text(Math.ceil(value)); } }); }; // refactored only :in-viewport logic. rest is to-do MK.utils.scrollSpy(this, { position: 'bottom', after: build }); }); }); }; return { init: init }; }; })(jQuery); (function($) { "use strict"; $('.mk-clients.column-style').each(function() { var $group = $(this), $listItems = $group.find('li'), listItemsCount = $listItems.length, listStyle = $group.find('ul').attr('style') || '', fullRowColumnsCount = $group.find('ul:first-of-type li').length; function recreateGrid() { var i; $listItems.unwrap(); if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 550px)').matches && fullRowColumnsCount >= 1) { for (i = 0; i < listItemsCount; i += 1) { $listItems.slice(i, i + 1) .wrapAll(''); } } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches && fullRowColumnsCount >= 2) { for (i = 0; i < listItemsCount; i += 2) { $listItems.slice(i, i + 2) .wrapAll(''); } } else if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 960px)').matches && fullRowColumnsCount >= 3) { for (i = 0; i < listItemsCount; i += 3) { $listItems.slice(i, i + 3) .wrapAll(''); } } else { for (i = 0; i < listItemsCount; i += fullRowColumnsCount) { $listItems.slice(i, i + fullRowColumnsCount) .wrapAll(''); } } } recreateGrid(); $(window).on('resize', recreateGrid); }); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; // Update countdown style in VC FEE - AM-2684. $(window).on('vc_reload', function() { $('.mk-event-countdown-ul').each(function() { if ($(this).width() < 750) { $(this).addClass('mk-event-countdown-ul-block'); } else { $(this).removeClass('mk-event-countdown-ul-block'); } }); }); })(jQuery); (function($) { 'use strict'; $('.mk-edge-slider').find('video').each(function() { this.pause(); this.currentTime = 0; }); MK.component.EdgeSlider = function( el ) { var self = this, $this = $( el ), $window = $(window), $wrapper = $this.parent(), config = $this.data( 'edgeslider-config' ), $nav = $( config.nav ), $prev = $nav.find( '.mk-edge-prev' ), $prevTitle = $prev.find( '.nav-item-caption' ), $prevBg = $prev.find('.edge-nav-bg'), $next = $nav.find( '.mk-edge-next' ), $nextTitle = $next.find( '.nav-item-caption' ), $nextBg = $next.find('.edge-nav-bg'), $navBtns = $nav.find( 'a' ), $pagination = $( '.swiper-pagination' ), $skipBtn = $( '.edge-skip-slider' ), $opacityLayer = $this.find('.edge-slide-content'), $videos = $this.find('video'), currentSkin = null, currentPoint = null, winH = null, opacity = null, offset = null; var callbacks = { onInitialize : function( slides ) { self.$slides = $( slides ); self.slideContents = $.map( self.$slides, function( slide ) { var $slide = $( slide ), title = $slide.find('.edge-slide-content .edge-title').first().text(), skin = $slide.attr("data-header-skin"), image = $slide.find('.mk-section-image').attr('data-thumb') || $slide.find('.mk-video-section-touch').attr('data-thumb'), bgColor = $slide.find('.mk-section-image').css('background-color'); return { skin: skin, title: title, image: image, bgColor: bgColor }; }); // Set position fixed here rather than css to avoid flash of strangely styled slides befor plugin init if(MK.utils.isSmoothScroll) $this.css('position', 'fixed'); setNavigationContent( 1, self.$slides.length - 1 ); setSkin( 0 ); // stopVideos(); playVideo(0); setTimeout( function() { $( '.edge-slider-loading' ).fadeOut( '100' ); }, 1000 ); }, onBeforeSlide : function( id ) { }, onAfterSlide : function( id ) { setNavigationContent( nextFrom(id), prevFrom(id) ); setSkin( id ); stopVideos(); // stop all others if needed playVideo( id ); } }; var nextFrom = function nextFrom(id) { return ( id + 1 === self.$slides.length ) ? 0 : id + 1; }; var prevFrom = function prevFrom(id) { return ( id - 1 === -1 ) ? self.$slides.length - 1 : id - 1; }; var setNavigationContent = function( nextId, prevId ) { if(self.slideContents[ prevId ]) { $prevTitle.text( self.slideContents[ prevId ].title ); $prevBg.css( 'background', self.slideContents[ prevId ].image !== 'none' ? 'url(' + self.slideContents[ prevId ].image + ')' : self.slideContents[ prevId ].bgColor ); } if(self.slideContents[ nextId ]) { $nextTitle.text( self.slideContents[ nextId ].title ); $nextBg.css( 'background', self.slideContents[ nextId ].image !== 'none' ? 'url(' + self.slideContents[ nextId ].image + ')' : self.slideContents[ nextId ].bgColor ); } }; var setSkin = function setSkin( id ) { currentSkin = self.slideContents[ id ].skin; $navBtns.attr('data-skin', currentSkin); $pagination.attr('data-skin', currentSkin); $skipBtn.attr('data-skin', currentSkin); if( self.config.firstEl ) { MK.utils.eventManager.publish( 'firstElSkinChange', currentSkin ); } }; var stopVideos = function stopVideos() { $videos.each(function() { this.pause(); this.currentTime = 0; }); }; var playVideo = function playVideo(id) { var video = self.$slides.eq(id).find('video').get(0); if(video) { video.play(); console.log('play video in slide nr ' + id); } }; var onResize = function onResize() { var height = $wrapper.height(); $this.height( height ); var width = $wrapper.width(); $this.width( width ); winH = $window.height(); offset = $this.offset().top; if(!MK.utils.isSmoothScroll) return; if(MK.utils.isResponsiveMenuState()) { // Reset our parallax layers position and styles when we're in responsive mode $this.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translateZ(0)', '-moz-transform': 'translateZ(0)', '-ms-transform': 'translateZ(0)', '-o-transform': 'translateZ(0)', 'transform': 'translateZ(0)', 'position': 'absolute' }); $opacityLayer.css({ 'opacity': 1 }); } else { // or proceed with scroll logic when we assume desktop screen onScroll(); } }; var onScroll = function onScroll() { currentPoint = - MK.val.scroll(); if( offset + currentPoint <= 0 ) { opacity = 1 + ((offset + currentPoint) / winH) * 2; opacity = Math.min(opacity, 1); opacity = Math.max(opacity, 0); $opacityLayer.css({ opacity: opacity }); } $this.css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px) translateZ(0)', '-moz-transform': 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px) translateZ(0)', '-ms-transform': 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px) translateZ(0)', '-o-transform': 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px) translateZ(0)', 'transform': 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px) translateZ(0)', 'position': 'fixed' }); }; onResize(); $window.on('load', onResize); $window.on('resize', onResize); window.addResizeListener( $wrapper.get(0), onResize ); if(MK.utils.isSmoothScroll) { onScroll(); $window.on('scroll', function() { if(MK.utils.isResponsiveMenuState()) return; window.requestAnimationFrame(onScroll); }); } this.el = el; this.config = $.extend( config, callbacks ); this.slideContents = null; // cache slide contents // Let mk_slider know it's EdgeSlider this.config.edgeSlider = true; }; MK.component.EdgeSlider.prototype = { init : function() { // Inherit from Slider. add prototypes if needed var slider = new MK.ui.Slider( this.el, this.config ); slider.init(); } }; })(jQuery); (function ($) { 'use strict'; var init = function init() { $('.mk-faq-wrapper').each( function() { var $this = $(this); var $filter = $this.find('.filter-faq'); var $filterItem = $filter.find('a'); var $faq = $this.find('.mk-faq-container > div'); var currentFilter = ''; $filterItem.on('click', function(e) { var $this = $(this); currentFilter = $this.data('filter'); $filterItem.removeClass('current'); $this.addClass('current'); filterItems( currentFilter ); e.preventDefault(); }); function filterItems( cat ) { if( cat === '' ) { $faq.slideDown(200).removeClass('hidden'); return; } $faq.not( '.' + cat ).slideUp(200).addClass('hidden'); $faq.filter( '.' + cat ).slideDown(200).removeClass('hidden'); } }); } init(); $(window).on('vc_reload', init); }( jQuery )); /* Flickr Feeds */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; function mk_flickr_feeds() { $('.mk-flickr-feeds').each(function() { var $this = $(this), apiKey = $this.attr('data-key'), userId = $this.attr('data-userid'), perPage = $this.attr('data-count'), column = $this.attr('data-column'); if ( ! $( '.mk-flickr-feeds' ).is( ':empty' ) ) { return; } jQuery.getJSON('https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?format=json&method=' + 'flickr.photos.search&api_key=' + apiKey + '&user_id=' + userId + '&&per_page=' + perPage + '&jsoncallback=?', function(data) { jQuery.each(data.photos.photo, function(i, rPhoto) { var basePhotoURL = 'http://farm' + rPhoto.farm + '.static.flickr.com/' + rPhoto.server + '/' + rPhoto.id + '_' + rPhoto.secret; var thumbPhotoURL = basePhotoURL + '_q.jpg'; var mediumPhotoURL = basePhotoURL + '.jpg'; var photoStringStart = '' + rPhoto.title + ';'; var photoString = (i < perPage) ? photoStringStart + photoStringEnd : photoStringStart + photoStringEnd; jQuery(photoString).appendTo($this); }); }); }); } mk_flickr_feeds(); $( window ).on( 'vc_reload', mk_flickr_feeds ); })(jQuery); jQuery(function($) { 'use strict'; // Get All Related Layers var init = function init() { var $gallery = $('.mk-gallery'); var $imgs = $gallery.find('img[data-mk-image-src-set]'); if ( $gallery.hasClass('mk-gallery-lazyload') && $imgs.length ) { // Load Images if the user scrolls to them $(window).on('scroll.mk_gallery_lazyload', MK.utils.throttle(500, function(){ $imgs.each(function(index, elem) { if ( MK.utils.isElementInViewport(elem) ) { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init( $(elem) ); $imgs = $imgs.not( $(elem) ); // Remove element from the list when loaded to reduce the amount of iteration in each() } }); })); $(window).trigger('scroll.mk_gallery_lazyload'); // Handle the resize MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } else { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init($imgs); MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } } init(); $(window).on('vc_reload mk-image-loaded', init); }); (function($) { 'use strict'; /* Page Section Intro Effects */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function mk_section_intro_effects() { if (!MK.utils.isMobile()) { if (!$.exists('.mk-page-section.intro-true')) return; $('.mk-page-section.intro-true').each(function() { var that = this; MK.core.loadDependencies([ MK.core.path.plugins + 'jquery.sectiontrans.js', MK.core.path.plugins + 'tweenmax.js' ], function() { var $this = $(that), $pageCnt = $this.parent().nextAll('div'), windowHeight = $(window).height(), effectName = $this.attr('data-intro-effect'), $header = $('.mk-header'); var effect = { fade: new TimelineLite({paused: true}) .set($pageCnt, { opacity: 0, y: windowHeight * 0.3 }) .to($this, 1, { opacity: 0, ease:Power2.easeInOut }) .to($pageCnt, 1, { opacity: 1, y: 0, ease:Power2.easeInOut}, "-=.7") .set($this, { zIndex: '-1'}), zoom_out: new TimelineLite({paused: true}) .set($pageCnt, { opacity: 0, y: windowHeight * 0.3}) .to($this, 1.5, { opacity: .8, scale: 0.8, y: -windowHeight - 100, ease:Strong.easeInOut }) .to($pageCnt, 1.5, { opacity: 1, y: 0, ease:Strong.easeInOut}, "-=1.3"), shuffle: new TimelineLite({paused: true}) .to($this, 1.5, { y: -windowHeight/2, ease:Strong.easeInOut }) .to($pageCnt.first(), 1.5, { paddingTop: windowHeight/2, ease:Strong.easeInOut }, "-=1.3") }; console.log($pageCnt); $this.sectiontrans({ effect: effectName }); if($this.hasClass('shuffled')) { TweenLite.set($this, { y: -windowHeight/2 }); TweenLite.set($this.nextAll('div').first(), { paddingTop: windowHeight/2 }); } $('body').on('page_intro', function() { MK.utils.scroll.disable(); $(this).data('intro', true); effect[effectName].play(); setTimeout(function() { $header.addClass('pre-sticky'); $header.addClass('a-sticky'); $('.mk-header-padding-wrapper').addClass('enable-padding'); $('body').data('intro', false); if(effectName === 'shuffle') $this.addClass('shuffled'); }, 1000); setTimeout(MK.utils.scroll.enable, 1500); }); $('body').on('page_outro', function() { MK.utils.scroll.disable(); $(this).data('intro', true); effect[effectName].reverse(); setTimeout(function() { $header.removeClass('pre-sticky'); $header.removeClass('a-sticky'); $('.mk-header-padding-wrapper').removeClass('enable-padding'); $('body').data('intro', false); if($this.hasClass('shuffled')) $this.removeClass('shuffled'); }, 1000); setTimeout(MK.utils.scroll.enable, 1500); }); }); }); } else { $('.mk-page-section.intro-true').each(function() { $(this).attr('data-intro-effect', ''); }); } } mk_section_intro_effects(); var debounceResize = null; $(window).on("resize", function() { if( debounceResize !== null ) { clearTimeout( debounceResize ); } debounceResize = setTimeout( mk_section_intro_effects, 300 ); }); /* Page Section Adaptive Height */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function mk_section_adaptive_height() { $( ".mk-page-section.mk-adaptive-height" ).each( function() { var imageHeight = $( this ).find( ".mk-adaptive-image" ).height(); $( this ).css( "height", imageHeight ); }); } $( window ).on( "load resize", mk_section_adaptive_height ); /* Page Section Image Loader */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Get All Related Layers var init = function init() { var $allLayers = $('.mk-page-section .background-layer').filter(function(index) { var isLazyLoad = $(this).attr('data-mk-lazyload') === 'true'; if ( !isLazyLoad ) { MK.component.BackgroundImageSetter.init( $(this) ); } return isLazyLoad; });; // Load BG Images if the user scroll to them if ( $allLayers.length ) { $(window).on('scroll.mk_page_section_lazyload', MK.utils.throttle(500, function(){ $allLayers.each(function(index, elem) { if ( MK.utils.isElementInViewport(elem) ) { MK.component.BackgroundImageSetter.init( $(elem) ); $allLayers = $allLayers.not( $(elem) ); // Remove element from the list when loaded to reduce the amount of iteration in each() } }); })); // First init $(window).trigger('scroll.mk_page_section_lazyload'); // Handle the resize MK.component.BackgroundImageSetter.onResize($allLayers); } } init(); $(window).on('vc_reload', init); /* Page Section Layout */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function mk_section_half_layout() { $(".mk-page-section.half_boxed").each(function() { var $section = $(this); if ($(window).width() > jupiterDonutVars.gridWidth) { var margin = ($(window).width() - jupiterDonutVars.gridWidth) / 2; var $section_inner = $section.find('.mk-half-layout-inner'); if($section.hasClass('half_left_layout')){ $section_inner.css({ marginRight: margin + 'px' }); } if($section.hasClass('half_right_layout')){ $section_inner.css({ marginLeft: margin + 'px' }); } } }); } $(window).on("load resize", mk_section_half_layout); /* Page Section - Fluid Width Equal Height Columns */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function mk_reset_section_fluid_width_equal_height_columns() { var $colWrappers = '', maxWidth = 850; $colWrappers = $('.page-section-content.fluid-width-equal-height-columns'); $colWrappers.each(function() { var $colWrapper = '', colHeight = 0; $colWrapper = $(this); $colWrapper.find('.wpb_column.column_container').each(function() { var $col = $(this), size = $(this).children('div').length; if (size > 0) { $col.removeAttr("style"); $col.children('div').each(function() { var $this = $( this ); /** * Fix Advanced Google Maps (AGM) issue on page section. * * Problem: AGM set the height as inline CSS property (style attribute). * In this case, the style attribute will be removed before checking the * elements height in each of the column. That's why AGM container will * loose the height and the map can't be displayed properly (only 1px) * because it overlap other row in the page. We need to check if current * element is AGM or not before removing style attribute of the element. */ if ( ! $this.hasClass( 'mk-advanced-gmaps' ) ) { $this.removeAttr( 'style' ); } }); } }); }); } function mk_section_fluid_width_equal_height_columns() { mk_reset_section_fluid_width_equal_height_columns(); var $colWrappers = '', maxWidth = 850, $pageSection = $('.page-section-content'); if ( ! $pageSection.hasClass('.fluid-width-equal-height-columns') ) { $pageSection.find('.wpb_column.column_container').removeAttr( 'style' ); $pageSection.find('.wpb_column.column_container .vc_element').removeAttr( 'style' ); } $colWrappers = $('.page-section-content.fluid-width-equal-height-columns'); $colWrappers.each(function() { var $colWrapper = '', colHeight = 0; $colWrapper = $(this); if ($colWrapper.length > 0) { /* Get the minimum height of the wrapper */ colHeight = $colWrappers.outerHeight(true); $colWrapper.find('.wpb_column.column_container').each(function() { var $col = $(this); if ($col.length > 0) { colHeight = ($col.outerHeight(true) > colHeight) ? $col.outerHeight(true) : colHeight; } }); } if (colHeight > 0) { $colWrapper.find('.wpb_column.column_container').each(function() { var $col = $(this), size = $(this).children('div').length; if (size > 0) { colHeight = ($(window).width() < maxWidth) ? 'initial' : colHeight; $col.css("height", colHeight); if ($colWrapper.hasClass('vertical-align-center')) { $col.children('div').each(function() { var elHeight = ($(window).width() < maxWidth) ? 'initial' : (colHeight/size); /** * Fix Advanced Google Maps (AGM) issue on page section. */ if ( ! $(this).hasClass( 'mk-advanced-gmaps' ) ) { $(this).css("height", elHeight); } }); } } }); } }); } $(window).on('load vc_reload', function() { setTimeout(function() { /* Somehow the values are not correctly updated for the screens and we need to put setTimeout to fix the issue. */ mk_section_fluid_width_equal_height_columns(); }, 500); }); var debounceResize = null; $(window).on("resize", function() { if( debounceResize !== null ) { clearTimeout( debounceResize ); } debounceResize = setTimeout( mk_section_fluid_width_equal_height_columns(), 500 ); }); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; function mk_page_title_parallax() { if (!MK.utils.isMobile()) { $('.mk-effect-wrapper').each(function() { var $this = $(this), progressVal, currentPoint, ticking = false, scrollY = MK.val.scroll(), $window = $(window), windowHeight = $(window).height(), parentHeight = $this.outerHeight(), startPoint = 0, endPoint = $this.offset().top + parentHeight, effectLayer = $this.find('.mk-effect-bg-layer'), gradientLayer = effectLayer.find('.mk-effect-gradient-layer'), cntLayer = $this.find('.mk-page-title-box-content'), animation = effectLayer.attr('data-effect'), top = $this.offset().top, height = $this.outerHeight(); var parallaxSpeed = 0.7, zoomFactor = 1.3; var parallaxTopGap = function() { var gap = top * parallaxSpeed; effectLayer.css({ height : height + gap + 'px', top : (-gap) + 'px' }); }; if (animation == ("parallax" || "parallaxZoomOut") ) { parallaxTopGap(); } var animationSet = function() { scrollY = MK.val.scroll(); if (animation == "parallax") { currentPoint = (startPoint + scrollY) * parallaxSpeed; effectLayer.get(0).style.transform = 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px)'; } if (animation == "parallaxZoomOut") { console.log(effectLayer); currentPoint = (startPoint + scrollY) * parallaxSpeed; progressVal = (1 / (endPoint - startPoint) * (scrollY - startPoint)); var zoomCalc = zoomFactor - ((zoomFactor - 1) * progressVal); effectLayer.get(0).style.transform = 'translateY(' + currentPoint + 'px) scale(' + zoomCalc + ')'; } if (animation == "gradient") { progressVal = (1 / (endPoint - startPoint) * (scrollY - startPoint)); gradientLayer.css({ opacity: progressVal * 2 }); } if (animation != "gradient") { progressVal = (1 / (endPoint - startPoint) * (scrollY - startPoint)); cntLayer.css({ opacity: 1 - (progressVal * 4) }); } // Stop ticking ticking = false; }; animationSet(); // This will limit the calculation of the background position to // 60fps as well as blocking it from running multiple times at once var requestTick = function() { if (!ticking) { window.requestAnimationFrame(animationSet); ticking = true; } }; $window.off('scroll', requestTick); $window.on('scroll', requestTick); }); } } var $window = $(window); var debounceResize = null; $window.on('load', mk_page_title_parallax); $window.on("resize", function() { if( debounceResize !== null ) { clearTimeout( debounceResize ); } debounceResize = setTimeout( mk_page_title_parallax, 300 ); }); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; var utils = MK.utils, core = MK.core, path = MK.core.path; MK.component.PhotoAlbum = function(el) { this.album = el; this.initialOpen = false; }; MK.component.PhotoAlbum.prototype = { dom: { gallery: '.slick-slider-wrapper', title: '.slick-title', galleryContainer: '.slick-slides', closeBtn: '.slick-close-icon', thumbList: '.slick-dots', thumbs: '.slick-dots li', imagesData: 'photoalbum-images', titleData: 'photoalbum-title', idData: 'photoalbum-id', urlData: 'photoalbum-url', activeClass: 'is-active' }, tpl: { gallery: '#tpl-photo-album', slide: '
' }, init: function() { this.cacheElements(); this.bindEvents(); this.openByLink(); }, cacheElements: function() { this.$album = $(this.album); this.imagesSrc = this.$album.data(this.dom.imagesData); this.albumLength = this.imagesSrc.length; this.title = this.$album.data(this.dom.titleData); this.id = this.$album.data(this.dom.idData); this.url = this.$album.data(this.dom.urlData); this.images = []; // stores dom objects to insert into gallery instance }, bindEvents: function() { this.$album.not('[data-photoalbum-images="[null]"]').on('click', this.albumClick.bind(this)); $(document).on('click', this.dom.closeBtn, this.closeClick.bind(this)); $(window).on('resize', this.thumbsVisibility.bind(this)); $(window).on('resize', this.makeArrows.bind(this)); }, albumClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.open(); MK.ui.loader.add(this.album); }, closeClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Because one close btn rules them all if (this.slider) { this.removeGallery(); this.slider.exitFullScreen(); } }, thumbsVisibility: function() { if (!this.thumbsWidth) return; if (window.matchMedia('(max-width:' + (this.thumbsWidth + 260) + 'px)').matches) this.hideThumbs(); // 260 is 2 * 120 - right corner buttons width + scrollbar else this.showThumbs(); }, hideThumbs: function() { if (!this.$thumbList) return; this.$thumbList.hide(); }, showThumbs: function() { if (!this.$thumbList) return; this.$thumbList.show(); }, open: function() { var self = this; core.loadDependencies([path.plugins + 'slick.js'], function() { self.createGallery(); self.loadImages(); }); }, createGallery: function() { // only one per page if (!$(this.dom.gallery).length) { var tpl = $(this.tpl.gallery).eq(0).html(); $('body').append(tpl); } // and cache obj this.$gallery = $(this.dom.gallery); this.$closeBtn = $(this.dom.closeBtn); }, createSlideshow: function() { var self = this; this.slider = new MK.ui.FullScreenGallery(this.dom.galleryContainer, { id: this.id, url: this.url }); this.slider.init(); $(window).trigger('resize'); this.makeArrows(); this.$thumbList = $(this.dom.thumbList); this.$thumbs = $(this.dom.thumbs); this.thumbsWidth = (this.$thumbs.length) * 95; this.thumbsVisibility(); setTimeout(function() { MK.ui.loader.remove(self.album); }, 100); MK.utils.eventManager.publish('photoAlbum-open'); }, makeArrows: function() { if (this.arrowsTimeout) clearTimeout(this.arrowsTimeout); this.arrowsTimeout = setTimeout(function() { var $prev = $('.slick-prev').find('svg'); var $next = $('.slick-next').find('svg'); $prev.wrap('
'); $next.wrap('
'); if (matchMedia("(max-width: 1024px)").matches) { $prev.attr({ width: 12, height: 22 }).find('polyline').attr('points', '12,0 0,11 12,22'); $next.attr({ width: 12, height: 22 }).find('polyline').attr('points', '0,0 12,11 0,22'); } else { $prev.attr({ width: 33, height: 65 }).find('polyline').attr('points', '0.5,0.5 32.5,32.5 0.5,64.5'); $next.attr({ width: 33, height: 65 }).find('polyline').attr('points', '0.5,0.5 32.5,32.5 0.5,64.5'); } }, 0); }, loadImages: function() { var self = this, n = 0; // cache images on first load. if (!this.images.length) { this.imagesSrc.forEach(function(src) { if (src === null) return; // protect from nulls var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { self.onLoad(n += 1); }; img.src = src; self.images.push(img); }); } else { this.onLoad(this.albumLength); } }, onLoad: function(n) { if (n === this.albumLength) { this.insertImages(); this.showGallery(); this.createSlideshow(); } }, insertImages: function() { var $galleryContainer = this.$gallery.find(this.dom.galleryContainer), $title = $(this.dom.title), slide = this.tpl.slide; // clear first $galleryContainer.html(''); $title.html(this.title); this.images.forEach(function(img) { var $slide = $(slide); $slide.html(img); $galleryContainer.prepend($slide); }); }, showGallery: function() { var self = this; this.$gallery.addClass(this.dom.activeClass); utils.scroll.disable(); }, removeGallery: function() { var self = this; this.$gallery.removeClass(this.dom.activeClass); setTimeout(function() { self.$gallery.remove(); }, 300); utils.scroll.enable(); }, openByLink: function() { var loc = window.location, hash = loc.hash, id; if (hash.length && hash.substring(1).length) { id = hash.substring(1); id = id.replace('!loading', ''); if (id == this.id && !this.initialOpen) { this.initialOpen = true; this.open(); } } } }; // Barts note; Rifat duplication and coupling here. Remove it when have time MK.component.PhotoAlbumBlur = function(el) { var init = function() { core.loadDependencies([path.plugins + 'pixastic.js'], function() { blurImage($('.mk-album-item figure')); }); }; var blurImage = function($item) { return $item.each(function() { var $_this = $(this); var img = $_this.find('.album-cover-image'); img.clone().addClass("blur-effect item-blur-thumbnail").removeClass('album-cover-image').prependTo(this); var blur_this = $(".blur-effect", this); blur_this.each(function(index, element) { if (img[index].complete === true) { Pixastic.process(blur_this[index], "blurfast", { amount: 0.5 }); } else { blur_this.load(function() { Pixastic.process(blur_this[index], "blurfast", { amount: 0.5 }); }); } }); }); }; return { init: init }; }; })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) { // Continue only on Safari. if ( typeof window.safari === 'undefined' ) { return; } // Fore redraw for Safari. This is a hack. function mkRedraw() { $('.mk-photo-roller').hide().show(0); } mkRedraw(); $( window ).resize( function() { mkRedraw() } ); }); jQuery(function($) { 'use strict'; // Get All Related Layers var init = function init() { var $portfolio = $('.portfolio-grid'); var $imgs = $portfolio.find('img[data-mk-image-src-set]'); if ( $portfolio.hasClass('portfolio-grid-lazyload') && $imgs.length ) { // Load Images if the user scrolls to them $(window).on('scroll.mk_portfolio_lazyload', MK.utils.throttle(500, function(){ $imgs.each(function(index, elem) { if ( MK.utils.isElementInViewport(elem) ) { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init( $(elem) ); $imgs = $imgs.not( $(elem) ); // Remove element from the list when loaded to reduce the amount of iteration in each() } }); })); $(window).trigger('scroll.mk_portfolio_lazyload'); // Handle the resize MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } else { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init($imgs); MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } } init(); $(window).on('vc_reload mk-image-loaded', function(){ init(); $('.mk-portfolio-container').each(function(){ var id = $(this).attr('id'); var el = '#' + id + '.mk-portfolio-container.js-el'; if($(this).data('mk-component') == 'Grid') { // Disable VC frontend component init for portfolio. $(el).data('init-Grid', true); // Init Grid component on shortcode render. var component = new MK.component[ 'Grid' ]( el ); component.init(); } }); }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 'use strict'; /** * Get dynamic width of items for passing in `flexslider()`. * @param string style Style of the carousel, classic/modern * @param integer showItems Number of items to show * @param integer id ID of the carousel * @return interger The width for items */ function get_item_width(style, showItems, id) { var item_width; if (style == "classic") { item_width = 275; items_to_show = 4; } else { var screen_width = $('#portfolio-carousel-' + id).width(), items_to_show = showItems; if (screen_width >= 1100) { item_width = screen_width / items_to_show; } else if (screen_width <= 1200 && screen_width >= 800) { item_width = screen_width / 3; } else if (screen_width <= 800 && screen_width >= 540) { item_width = screen_width / 2; } else { item_width = screen_width; } } return item_width; } jQuery(window).on("load vc_reload", function() { MK.core.loadDependencies([MK.core.path.plugins + 'jquery.flexslider.js'], function() { $('.portfolio-carousel .mk-flexslider').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var $pauseOnHover = $this.attr('data-pauseOnHover') == "true" ? true : false; $this.flexslider({ selector: ".mk-flex-slides > li", animation: "slide", slideshowSpeed: parseInt($this.attr('data-slideshowSpeed')), animationSpeed: parseInt($this.attr('data-animationSpeed')), pauseOnHover: $pauseOnHover, controlNav: false, smoothHeight: false, useCSS: false, directionNav: $this.data('directionNav'), prevText: "", nextText: "", itemWidth: get_item_width($this.data('style'), $this.data('showItems'), $this.data('id')), itemMargin: 0, maxItems: ($this.data('style') === 'modern') ? $this.data('showItems') : 4, minItems: 1, move: 1, slideshow: false, }); }); // End each(). }); // End loadDependencies(). }); // End on(). }); (function($) { if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', handleLoad, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', handleLoad); } function handleLoad() { $('.mk-slideshow-box').each(run); } function run() { var $slider = $(this); var $slides = $slider.find('.mk-slideshow-box-item'); var $transition_time = $slider.data('transitionspeed'); var $time_between_slides = $slider.data('slideshowspeed'); $slider.find('.mk-slideshow-box-content').children('p').filter(function() { if ( $.trim($(this).text()) == '' ) { return true; } }).remove(); // set active classes $slides.first().addClass('active').fadeIn($transition_time, function(){ setTimeout(autoScroll, $time_between_slides); }); // auto scroll function autoScroll(){ var $i = $slider.find('.active').index(); $slides.eq($i).removeClass('active').fadeOut($transition_time); if ($slides.length == $i + 1) $i = -1; // loop to start $slides.eq($i + 1).addClass('active').fadeIn($transition_time, function() { setTimeout(autoScroll, $time_between_slides); }); } /** * Need to set the height manually as min-height property doesn't work with display * table and table-cell in Firefox and Safari. We use Javascript to set them only * for Firefox and Safari to avoid any problem with Chrome users. The problem is only * happen when the window screen size bigger than 850px. */ var browserName = MK.utils.browser.name; if ( browserName === 'Firefox' || browserName === 'Safari' ) { var currentWidth = parseInt( $( window ).width() ); if ( currentWidth >= 850 ) { var height = $slider.css( 'min-height' ); if ( typeof height !== 'undefined' ) { $slider.find( '.mk-slideshow-box-items' ).height( parseInt( height ) ); } } else { $slider.find( '.mk-slideshow-box-items' ).removeAttr( 'style' ); } } } $(window).on('vc_reload', function(){ handleLoad(); }); // Handle resize event only for Safari and Firefox. window.addEventListener( 'resize', function(){ var browserName = MK.utils.browser.name; if ( browserName === 'Firefox' || browserName === 'Safari' ) { handleLoad(); } }, true); }(jQuery)); (function($) { 'use strict'; $(".mk-subscribe").each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.find('.mk-subscribe--form').submit(function(e){ $this.addClass('form-in-progress'); e.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: MK.core.path.ajaxUrl, type: "POST", data: { action: "mk_ajax_subscribe", email: $this.find(".mk-subscribe--email").val(), list_id: $this.find(".mk-subscribe--list-id").val(), optin: $this.find(".mk-subscribe--optin").val() }, success: function (response) { console.log(response) $this.removeClass('form-in-progress'); var data = $.parseJSON(response), $messaage_box = $this.find(".mk-subscribe--message"); $messaage_box.html(data.message); if(data.action_status == true) { $messaage_box.addClass('success'); } else { $messaage_box.addClass('error'); } $this.find(".mk-subscribe--email").val(''); } }); }); }); }(jQuery)); (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; // If we want to get access to API of already initilised component we run a regular new conctructor. // When instance is discovered in cache object then we return exisiting instance. // // TODO move it to core functions and run logic on init // var init = function init() { var _instancesCollection = {}; var MK = window.MK || {}; window.MK = MK; MK.component = window.MK.component || {}; MK.component.SwipeSlideshow = function( el ) { var $this = $( el ); var id = $this.parent().attr('id'); this.el = el; this.id = id; this.config = $this.data( 'swipeslideshow-config' ); if( this.config ) this.config.hasPagination = false; }; MK.component.SwipeSlideshow.prototype = { init : function() { var slider = new MK.ui.Slider( this.el, this.config ); slider.init(); _instancesCollection[ this.id ] = slider; } }; // Additional nav // Mostly for thumbs in woocommerce MK.component.SwipeSlideshowExtraNav = function( el ) { this.el = el; }; MK.component.SwipeSlideshowExtraNav.prototype = { init : function init() { this.cacheElements(); this.bindEvents(); }, cacheElements : function cacheElements() { var $this = $( this.el ); this.sliderId = $this.data( 'gallery' ); this.slider = _instancesCollection[this.sliderId]; this.$thumbs = $( '#' + this.sliderId ).find( '.thumbnails a'); }, bindEvents : function bindEvents() { this.$thumbs.on( 'click', this.clickThumb.bind( this ) ); }, clickThumb : function clickThumb( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( e.currentTarget ), id = $this.index(); this.slider.goTo( id ); } }; // Mostly for switcher in woocommerce MK.utils.eventManager.subscribe('gallery-update', function(e, config) { if(typeof _instancesCollection[config.id] === 'undefined') return; _instancesCollection[config.id].reset(); }); function init() { // Lazy load. // Get All Related Layers var $swiper = $('.mk-swipe-slideshow'); var $imgs = $swiper.find('img[data-mk-image-src-set]'); if ( $swiper.hasClass('mk-swipe-slideshow-lazyload') && $imgs.length ) { // Load Images if the user scrolls to them $(window).on('scroll.mk_swipe_slideshow_lazyload', MK.utils.throttle(500, function(){ $imgs.each(function(index, elem) { if ( MK.utils.isElementInViewport(elem) ) { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init( $(elem) ); $imgs = $imgs.not( $(elem) ); // Remove element from the list when loaded to reduce the amount of iteration in each() } }); })); $(window).trigger('scroll.mk_swipe_slideshow_lazyload'); // Handle the resize MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } else { MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.init($imgs); MK.component.ResponsiveImageSetter.onResize($imgs); } /* Why we need to reinitialize it? it causes double sliding effect $( '.mk-swiper-container' ).each( function() { new MK.component.SwipeSlideshow( this ).init(); } ); */ } init(); $(window).on('vc_reload mk-image-loaded', init); })( jQuery ); (function($) { 'use strict'; var core = MK.core, path = core.path; MK.component.Tooltip = function(el) { var init = function() { $('.mk-tooltip').each(function() { $(this).find('.mk-tooltip--link').hover(function() { $(this).siblings('.mk-tooltip--text').stop(true).animate({ 'opacity': 1 }, 400); }, function() { $(this).siblings('.mk-tooltip--text').stop(true).animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, 400); }); }); }; return { init: init }; }; })(jQuery); (function( $ ) { 'use strict'; /** * Fix issue with WC Recent Carousel classic style when SC is active. * At the first load of shortcode, the height is not correct, only cover the image * without product detail. This script only set the min-height. */ function mkWcCarouselSwiperHeight() { var mkWCRecentCarousel = $( '.mk-woocommerce-carousel.classic-style' ); mkWCRecentCarousel.each( function() { var maxHeight = 0; var height = $( this ).height(); var childs = $( this ).find( '.item' ); childs.each( function(){ if ( $( this ).height() > maxHeight ) { maxHeight = $( this ).height(); } } ); var swiperContainers = $( this ).find( '.mk-swiper-container' ); swiperContainers[0].style.setProperty( 'min-height', maxHeight + 'px', 'important' ); } ); } mkWcCarouselSwiperHeight(); })( jQuery ); (function ($) { 'use strict'; function dynamicHeight() { var $this = $( this ); $this.height( 'auto' ); if( window.matchMedia( '(max-width: 768px)' ).matches ) { return; } $this.height( $this.height() ); } var $window = $( window ); var container = document.getElementById( 'mk-theme-container' ); function equalColumns() { $( '.equal-columns' ).each( function() { dynamicHeight.bind( this ); $window.on( 'load', dynamicHeight.bind( this ) ); $window.on( 'resize', dynamicHeight.bind( this ) ); $window.on( 'mk-image-loaded', dynamicHeight.bind( this ) ); window.addResizeListener( container, dynamicHeight.bind( this ) ); }); } equalColumns(); $window.on( 'vc_reload' , function() { equalColumns(); }); }( jQuery )); (function($) { 'use strict'; function mk_video_play() { var lightboxMargin = 60; // Play self hosted video function playSelfHosted($video, isLightbox) { if (isLightbox === undefined || typeof isLightbox === 'undefined') { isLightbox = false; } if (isLightbox) { var content = $video.parent().html(); playLightbox({ content: '
' + $(content).attr('autoplay', 'autoplay').wrap('
').parent().html() + '
', }); } else { playTagVideo($video); } } // Play social hosted video function playSocialHosted($iframe, isLightbox) { if (isLightbox === undefined || typeof isLightbox === 'undefined') { isLightbox = false; } if (isLightbox) { playLightbox({ type: 'iframe', href: $iframe.attr('src'), helpers: { media: true } }); } else { var videoData = getSocialVideoData($iframe.attr('src')); switch (videoData.source) { case 'youtube': playTagIframeYoutube(videoData.videoId, $iframe); break; case 'vimeo': playTagIframeVimeo(videoData.videoId, $iframe); break; default: playTagIframe($iframe); break; } } } // Play video in lightbox function playLightbox(args) { var options = { padding: 0, margin: lightboxMargin, showCloseButton: 1, autoSize: 0, width: getVideoboxWidth(), height: getVideoHeight(), tpl: { closeBtn: '', }, }; $.extend(options, args); $.fancybox.open(options); } function playTagVideo($video) { $video.get(0).play(); $video.closest('.video-container').find('.video-thumbnail').fadeOut('slow'); } function playTagIframe($iframe, videoId) { var video_loop = ''; if (videoId !== undefined && typeof videoId !== 'undefined') { video_loop = '&playlist=' + videoId; } var src = $iframe.attr('src'); var separator = (src.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&'; src += separator + 'autoplay=1'; separator = (src.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&'; video_loop = separator + 'loop=1' + video_loop; video_loop = ( $iframe.closest('.video-container').data('loop') == '1' ) ? video_loop : ''; src += video_loop; $iframe.attr('src', src).closest('.video-container').find('.video-thumbnail').fadeOut(3000); } function playTagIframeYoutube(videoId, $iframe) { // Credit: https://goo.gl/ku3NgH if ( document.getElementById('mk_iframe_api') === null ) { var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api"; tag.id = "mk_iframe_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); } else { runPlayer(); } window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { runPlayer(); }; function runPlayer(){ var player, isPlayed = false; player = new YT.Player('video-player-' + $iframe.data('id'), { videoId: videoId, rel: false, events: { onReady: function(e) { e.target.playVideo(); }, onStateChange: function(e) { if (e.data === 1 && !isPlayed) { $(e.target.a).closest('.video-container').find('.video-thumbnail').fadeOut('slow'); isPlayed = true; } if ($(e.target.a).closest('.video-container').data('loop') && e.data === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { e.target.playVideo(); } }, onError: function(e) { playTagIframe($iframe, videoId); } } }); } } function playTagIframeVimeo(videoId, $iframe) { // Embed async the vimeo API script $.getScript('//player.vimeo.com/api/player.js', function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) { if (jqxhr.status === 200) { var player, isPlayed = false; player = new Vimeo.Player('video-player-' + $iframe.data('id'), { id: videoId }); player.play().then(function() { if (!isPlayed) { $iframe.closest('.video-container').find('.video-thumbnail').fadeOut('slow'); isPlayed = true; } }).catch(function(error) { playTagIframe($iframe); }); if ($iframe.closest('.video-container').data('loop')) { player.setLoop(true).then(function(loop) { // Enable loop }).catch(function(error) { playTagIframe($iframe); }); } } else { playTagIframe($iframe); } }); } // Get Social Provider Video Data function getSocialVideoData(url) { // Get Youtube video data var youtubeRegex = /(youtube\.com|youtu\.be|youtube-nocookie\.com)\/(watch\?v=|v\/|u\/|embed\/?)?(videoseries\?list=(.*)|[\w-]{11}|\?listType=(.*)&list=(.*)).*/i; var youtubeMatch = url.match(youtubeRegex); if (youtubeMatch && youtubeMatch != null) { return { source: 'youtube', videoId: youtubeMatch[3] }; } // Get Vimeo video data var vimeoRegex = /(?:vimeo(?:pro)?.com)\/(?:[^\d]+)?(\d+)(?:.*)/i; var vimeoMatch = url.match(vimeoRegex); if (vimeoMatch && vimeoMatch != null) { return { source: 'vimeo', videoId: vimeoMatch[1] }; } return { source: false, videoId: false }; } // Get lightbox width function getVideoboxWidth() { var $width, wWidth = $(window).width(), wHeight = $(window).height(); if (wHeight >= wWidth) { $width = wWidth - (lightboxMargin * 2); } else { var wHeightMax = (wHeight * 90) / 100; if (wWidth > 1280) { var $width = (wHeightMax / 5768) * 10000; } else { var $width = (wHeightMax / 6120) * 10000; } } return Math.round($width) + 'px'; } // Get lightbox height function getVideoHeight() { var $height, wWidth = $(window).width(), wHeight = $(window).height(); if (wHeight >= wWidth) { $height = ((wWidth - (lightboxMargin * 2)) * 5670) / 10000; } else { $height = ((wHeight * 90) / 100) + (lightboxMargin * 2); } return Math.round($height) + 'px'; } $('.video-container').each(function() { var $videoContainer = $(this); var playSource = $videoContainer.data('source'); var playTarget = $videoContainer.data('target'); var $iframe = $videoContainer.find('iframe'); var $video = $videoContainer.find('video'); if ($videoContainer.data('autoplay')) { switch (playSource) { case 'social_hosted': playSocialHosted($iframe); break; case 'self_hosted': playSelfHosted($video); break; } } else { var $playIcon = $videoContainer.find('.mk-svg-icon'); $playIcon.bind('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var isLightbox = (playTarget == 'lightbox') ? true : false; if (!isLightbox) { $playIcon.hide().next('.preloader-preview-area').show(); } switch (playSource) { case 'social_hosted': playSocialHosted($iframe, isLightbox); break; case 'self_hosted': playSelfHosted($video, isLightbox); break; } }); } }); } $(window).on('load vc_reload', mk_video_play); // Resize icon size for responsive layout function mk_video_resize_play_icon() { $('.video-thumbnail-overlay').each(function() { var $thumbnailOverlay = $(this); var thumbnailWidth = $thumbnailOverlay.width(); var $svg = $thumbnailOverlay.find('svg'); if (typeof $svg.data('width') === 'undefined') { $svg.attr('data-width', $svg.width()); } if (typeof $svg.data('height') === 'undefined') { $svg.attr('data-height', $svg.height()); } if (($svg.data('width') * 4) > thumbnailWidth) { $svg.css({ width: Math.round((parseInt(thumbnailWidth) / 4)) + 'px', height: Math.round((parseInt(thumbnailWidth) / 4) * $svg.data('height') / $svg.data('width')) + 'px' }); } else { $svg.css({ width: $svg.data('width') + 'px', height: $svg.data('height') + 'px' }); } }); } $(window).on('load resize orientationChange vc_reload', mk_video_resize_play_icon); }(jQuery));